Before You Book A Show!
Are you thinking of booking a hypnotist for your event. We have some helpful guidelines, to help make your event
fun & entertaining regardless who you decide to book. Today, many performing hypnotists are charging $1,000 - $ 3,500
plus travel expense to show up, along with no guarantee that the show will be good. There websites and free video demos
will be flawless and perfect, because they are SELLING you on BUYING their show. When the show doesn't go perfect like the
video, you may feel like you were just robbed of money. Remember, a hypnotic show may not be right for your event.
1. Is your event going to have enough guests attending? If your having a party with 10-15 guest attending, its
not really recommended to have a hypnotist. Why? Hypnotist shows require participation. Many guests will want to watch,
rather than participate. If you have a small gathering, and no one wants to volunteer to be hypnotized, you have just wasted
your money. A helpful guideline is to have a minimum of 100 people attending the event.
2. Will ALL the participants who volunteer to be hypnotized, actually be HYPNOTIZED? It is recommended to have
15-20 chairs set up. Just because all the seats get filled with eager volunteers doesn't guarantee all will go in trance.
Of course if you seen shows on tv, it appears 100% go under, but remember it has to be perfect for tv. What your not
shown on tv is how many people got dismissed from the stage or show. If you go to watch different hypnotist shows, you will
see some keep everyone up on stage, while others will dismiss a few. Its not much of a show to have 5 seats set up for
the hypnotist, and then find only 1 or 2 out of five is hypnotized. So have enough seats set up as a precaution that
a few will get dismissed.
3. Take a survey when planning, if your guests want to see a hypnosis show. If the response is
dismal, find out what type of entertainment they want. Nothing is more disappointing than spending a lot of money on
entertainment, to have the entertainment be a flop. If you get a response from the survey that a large majority are
excited about seeing and volunteering to be hypnotized, its a good measurement that booking a hypnotist will be well received.
4. Advertise! So your company or school or nightclub...etc decides a hypnotist show will be the right fit
for your event. Great...Besure to send out memos, put up flyers, and get reminders up to keep the enthusiasm going.
If your planning a Surprise Party and guests don't know there will be a hypnotist show, Guess What? You may be suprised when
no one wants to volunteer and they ALL want to watch someone else get hypnotized. Let people know your having a hypnotist
as entertainment.
5. Does the hypnotist or entertainment company have a written guarantee regarding their show. Just like most
businesses, entertainment is a business for profit. Some will book any type of event just to make money, even if all
the tell tell signs for booking a hypnotist show is set up to be a disasterous flop. Hypnotists that seem to have better
shows than others is because they sift through all offers and ones that don't meet a certain requirements, they don't book.
This is where the more experienced hypnotist has the advantage over the beginning hypnotist. Plus the experienced hypnotist
fee probably will be higher.
This is just a minimum guideline to follow and is not set in stone. When booking ask questions. Experience, prices, references,
years of performing. We hope this has helped you.